Volume 21, Issue 2 | Summer 2022

The First Retrospective Exhibition of the Drawings of J.-A.-D. Ingres (1861): Appendix

by Andrew Carrington Shelton

Scholarly Article|Appendix

Notes for using the Appendix:

Catalogue numbers for works in the first installation of the exhibition are those assigned by Émile Galichon in the accompanying [Émile Galichon] Catalogue de dessins tirés de collections d’amateurs et exposés dans les Salon des Arts-Unis (Paris: Renou et Maulde, 1861). Works in the second installation of the exhibition (ser. 2) are numbered according to the order they are discussed in Émile Galichon, “Dessins de M. Ingres (deuxième série),” Gazette des beaux-arts 11, no. 1 (July 1, 1861): 38–48.

Titles and descriptions of works of art are taken from [Galichon] Catalogue de dessins; Émile Galichon, “Description des dessins de M. Ingres exposés au Salon des Arts-Unis,” Gazette des beaux-arts 9, no. 6 (March 15, 1861): 343–62; and Galichon “Dessins de M. Ingres.” Supplemental information regarding the titles (e.g., the full names of portrait sitters) is given in brackets.

Information regarding media, dimensions, and inscriptions is taken from the current owners of extant works or from recent authoritative publications. Significant deviations from any of these by Galichon for works whose identities are less than certain are given in the notes. For no-longer-extant or unlocated works, all information is taken from [Galichon] Catalogue de dessins; Galichon, “Descriptions de dessins”; or Galichon, “Dessins de M. Ingres.” The current locations of extant drawings, when known, are listed. Owners of works in 1861 identified by Galichon are also listed as well as inferred owners in 1861, with justification given in the notes.

Photographs of no-longer-extant works formerly in the collection of Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux derive from Collection de 120 dessins, croquis et peintures de M. Ingres classés et mis en ordre par son ami, Edouard Gatteaux, 2 vols. (Paris: Armand Guérinet, n.d.), referred to in the appendix as Guérinet.

The catalogue numbers of drawings included in Hans Naef, Die Bildniszeichnungen von J.-A.-D. Ingres, 5 vols. (Bern: Benteli Verlag, 1977–80) and in George Vigne, Dessins d’Ingres: Catalogue raisonné des dessins du musée de Montauban (Paris: Gallimard / Réunion des musées nationaux, 1995) are given in brackets as [N.] and [V.], respectively.

figure 1
Cat. 1, Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ remettant à Saint Pierre les clefs du paradis, première
esquisse (Our Lord Jesus Christ Delivering the Keys of Paradise to Saint Peter, First Sketch), ca. 1818
Pen, brown ink, and watercolor over graphite on paper; 27.1 x 18.4 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower right: Ingres inv et Pinxit Roma. 1815.
1861 owner: Madame Ferdinand Hauguet
Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. RF 1445
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre
figure 2
Cat. 2, Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ remettant à Saint Pierre les clefs du paradis, deuxième
esquisse (Our Lord Jesus Christ Delivering the Keys of Paradise to Saint Peter, Second Sketch), ca. 1820
Black chalk on yellow paper; 29 x 22.5 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
Published in Guérinet, vol. 2, pl. 74
figure 3
Cat. 3, Martyre de Saint Symphorien: Étude pour la tête d’un des licteurs (Martyrdom of Saint Symphorian: Study for the Head of One of the Lictors), ca. 1834
Black crayon with stumping on gray paper; length: 39 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
Published in Guérinet, vol. 2, pl. 71
figure 4
Cat. 4, Martyre de Saint Symphorien: Étude pour l’enfant nu (Martyrdom of Saint Symphorian: Study for the Nude Child), ca. 1834
Black pencil with white highlights on paper; 29.4 x 18.5 cm‍‍[1]
Signed, lower right: Ingres
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres‍‍[2]
Current location unknown‍‍[3]
Artwork in the public domain; image available from: Olivier Doutrebente
figure 5
Cat. 5, Martyre de Saint Symphorien: Étude pour l’un des licteurs (Martyrdom of Saint Symphorian: Study for One of the Lictors), ca. 1830
Black pencil, partially squared in graphite, on paper; 40.5 x 26.8 cm
Signed, lower right: Ingres
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres‍‍[4]
Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne, Inv. 2241
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Bonnat-Helleu; photograph by A. Vaquero

Image not Available

Cat. 6, Apothéose d’Homère, première esquisse (Apotheosis of Homer, First Sketch), ca. 1827‍‍[5]
Pen and pencil on tracing paper; 23.5 x 31 cm
Signed and inscribed: Ingres à son excellent ami M. Fréd Reiset.
1861 owner: Frédéric Reiset
Current location unknown
figure 7
Cat. 7, Apothéose d’Homère, deuxième esquisse (Apotheosis of Homer, Second Sketch), ca. 1827
Graphite, pen, brown ink, and gray wash on paper; 21.8 x 30.5 cm
Signed, lower left: Ingres inv et Pinxit.
1861 owner: Madame Ferdinand Hauguet
Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. RF 1447
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre
figure 8
Cat. 8, Romulus, Vainqueur d’Acron, première esquisse (Romulus, Conqueror of Acron, First Sketch), ca. 1850
Pen, brown ink, and watercolor over outlines in black crayon on paper; 31 x 50.7 cm
Signed and dated, lower left: Ingres inv. et pinx. Roma in Edibus Montecavallo a tempera 1810
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. RF 1441
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre
figure 9
Cat. 9, Romulus, Vainqueur d’Acron, deuxième esquisse (Romulus, Conqueror of Acron, Second Sketch), ca. 1858
Graphite, pen, black ink, gray wash, and white highlights on tracing paper; 33.5 x 53 cm
Signed and dated, lower left: J. Ingres in. Piit Rome 1808.
1861 owner: Émile Galichon
Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. RF 4623
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre
figure 10
Cat. 10, Romulus, Vainqueur d’Acron: Étude pour le roi Acron mort (Romulus, Conqueror of Acron: Study for the Dead King Acron), ca. 1812
Graphite on paper; 15.6 x 30.9 cm
Signed, lower left: Ing
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne, Inv. 2227
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Bonnat-Helleu; photograph by A. Vaquero
figure 11
Cat. 11, Romulus, Vainqueur d’Acron: Études de guerriers romains (Romulus, Conqueror of Acron: Studies of Roman Warriors), ca. 1811–12
Graphite on paper; 22.2 x 35 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. RF 1100
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre
figure 12
Cat. 12, Romulus, Vainqueur d’Acron: Études pour deux guerriers ceniniens (Romulus, Conqueror of Acron: Studies for the Two Caeninan Warriors), ca. 1812
Graphite on paper; 22.7 x 35.8 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne, Inv. 2231
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Bonnat-Helleu; photograph by A. Vaquero
figure 13
Cat. 13, Romulus, Vainqueur d’Acron: Études pour le soldat romain sonnant de la trompette (Romulus, Vanquisher of Acron: Studies for the Roman Soldier Sounding His Trumpet), ca. 1812
Graphite on paper; 15 x 35.4 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne, Inv. 2229
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Bonnat-Helleu; photograph by A. Vaquero
figure 13bis
Cat. 13bis, Romulus, Vainqueur d’Acron: Études pour la figure de Romulus (Romulus, Conqueror of Acron: Studies for the Figure of Romulus), ca. 1812
Graphite on paper; 22.4 x 36.3 cm
Signed, lower left: Ing
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne, inv. 2225
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Bonnat-Helleu; photograph by A. Vaquero
figure 14
Cat. 14, La Tribune de l’Église Santa Trinita de Monti, dans laquelle M. Ingres peignit le tableau du Romulus (The Tribune of the Church of Santa Trinita dei Monti, in Which Monsieur Ingres Painted Romulus), 1812
Graphite, pen and brown ink, and watercolor on paper; 46.4 x 56.6 cm
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres‍‍[6]
Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne, Inv. 2224
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Bonnat-Helleu; photograph by A. Vaquero
figure 15
Cat. 15, Alexandre et Ephestion (Alexander and Hephaestion), ca. 1815–18
Pen and India ink on paper; 18 x 18 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
Published in Guérinet, vol. 2, pl. 60
figure 16
Cat. 16, Virgile lisant l’Énéide devant Auguste, Livie et Octavie (Virgil Reading the Aeneid before Augustus, Livia and Octavia), 1850
Watercolor, white gouache, graphite, and black pencil, partially varnished with gum, on tracing
paper, patched with tracing paper and reworked, backed; 38.5 x 33 cm
Signed, lower left: J. Ingres. inv. Del.; dated, lower right: Paris 1850
1861 owner: Frédéric Reiset
Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, MA, Bequest of Grenville L. Winthrop, Inv. 1943.373
Artwork in the public domain; photograph courtesy of the President and Fellows of Harvard College
figure 17
Cat. 17, Songe d’Ossian (Dream of Ossian), ca. 1835‍–‍41
Pen, brown ink, and watercolor with white highlights on tracing paper; 26 x 21.3 cm
Signed and dated at bottom: Ingres inv et Pinx Roma in Edibus Montecaval. 1812.
1861 owner: Madame Ferdinand Hauguet
Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. RF 1446
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre

Image not Available

Cat. 18, Mort de Léonard de Vinci (Death of Leonardo da Vinci), 1819
Graphite, white and brown chalk, white gouache, and a wash of India ink on tracing paper, varnished, and mounted on cardboard; 42.8 x 53.4 cm
Signed and dated, lower right: J Ingres in & pxit 1819 Ro
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres‍‍[7]
Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Brussels, Inv. 1837
Artwork in the public domain; published in Patricia Condon, Marjorie B. Cohn, and Agnes Mongan, eds., In Pursuit of Perfection: The Art of J.-A.-D. Ingres, exh. cat. (Louisville, KY: J. B. Speed Art Museum; Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1983), 183, no. 32.
figure 19
Cat. 19, Le Cardinal Bibiena propose à Raphael d’épouser sa nièce (Cardinal Bibiena Proposing That Raphael Marry His Niece), ca. 1813
Graphite with white highlights on cream-colored paper; 18 x 14.5 cm
Signed and dated, lower left: Ingres inv. 1812. Rom.
1861 owner: Madame Ferdinand Hauguet
Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. RF 1449
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre
figure 20
Cat. 20, Raphaël et La Fornarina (Raphael and the Fornarina), 1825
Graphite with white highlights on paper; 18 x 14.5 cm
Signed and dated, midway up the sheet at right: Ingres fecit / 1825
1861 owner: Madame Ferdinand Hauguet
Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. RF 1448
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre
figure 21
Cat. 21, Le Duc d’Albe à Sainte-Gudule (The Duke of Alba at the Cathedral of Saint Gudula), 1815
Pen and brown ink and brown wash, highlighted with white gouache, with black and red chalk
and graphite on paper mounted on Japanese paper; 43 x 52.9 cm
Signed and dated, lower left: J. Ingres 1815.
1861 owner: M. D’Esprémesnil‍‍[8]
J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, Inv. 95.GA.12
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the J. Paul Getty Museum

Image not Available

Cat. 22, Le Voeu de Louis XIII, première pensée (The Vow of Louis XIII, Première Pensée), ca. 1820‍‍[9]
Black chalk on yellow paper; 21 x 17 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
figure 23
Cat. 23, Le Voeu de Louis XIII: Études pour la figure de l’enfant Jésus (The Vow of Louis XIII: Studies for the Infant Jesus), ca. 1824
Charcoal pencil and white chalk on paper; 39.7 x 26.8 cm
1861 owner: Aimé-Charles-Horace His de la Salle‍‍[10]
Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne, Inv. 2236
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Bonnat-Helleu, photograph by A. Vaquero
figure 24
Cat. 24, (Possibly) Le Voeu de Louis XIII: Études pour un des anges (The Vow of Louis XIII: Studies for One of the Angels), ca. 1824‍‍[11]
Black and white chalk with stumping, on violet paper; length: 34 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Édouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
Published in Guérinet, vol. 2, pl. 97
figure 25
Cat. 25, Le Pape Pie VII en prière (Pope Pius VII in Prayer), 1808
Graphite, wash, and watercolor on three sheets of superimposed white paper; 14.6 x 10.8 cm
Signed and dated, lower right: Ingres Rom 1808
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres‍‍[12]
Current location unknown‍‍[13]
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Shepherd Gallery, New York
figure 26
Cat. 26, (Possibly) Apothéose de Napoléon Ier: Étude pour l’une des figures des voussures (Apotheosis of Napoleon I: Study for One of the Figures [the City of Milan] in the Side Arches), ca. 1853‍‍[14]
Charcoal pencil on paper; 23 x 36.5 cm‍‍[15]
Inscribed, upper center: Milan
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres‍‍[16]
Musée Ingres Bourdelle, Montauban, Inv. 867.1130
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Ingres Bourdelle
[V. 2236]
figure 27
Cat. 27, Apothéose de Napoléon Ier: Étude pour l’une des figures des voussures (Apotheosis of Napoleon I: Study for One of the Figures [the City of Madrid] in the Side Arches), ca. 1853‍‍[17]
Charcoal pencil and graphite on paper; 25.3 x 39.3 cm
Signed, lower left: Ingres; inscribed, top center: Madrid
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres‍‍[18]
Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne, Inv. 2257
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Bonnat-Helleu; photograph by A. Vaquero
figure 28
Cat. 28, Projet de Monument (Project for a Monument [to Lady Jane Montagu]), 1860
Graphite, yellow, brown, and blue watercolor on tracing paper; 35.5 x 26.5 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed along the bottom of the monument: LADY JANE MONTAGUE / OBIIT ANNO AETATIS XXXV ROMA / J. INGRES INit et DELit 1860 ET FECIT ROMA
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres (?)‍‍[19]
Musée Ingres Bourdelle, Montauban, on deposit from the Musée du Louvre, Inv. RF 30238
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre; photograph by Guy Roumagnac
figure 29
Cat. 29, L’Architecture, la peinture, et la sculpture (Architecture, Painting, and Sculpture), ca. 1824–34
Graphite and pen and brown ink on tracing paper; 19.7 x 19.7 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. RF 4173
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre

Image not Available

Cat. 30, La Poésie et l’histoire s’appuyant sur la grammaire (Grammar Supporting Poetry and History), ca. 1824–34
Graphite on paper; length: 18 cm
Inscribed at top: Offrir à l’Académie française
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed‍‍[20]
figure 31
Cat. 31, Vitraux pour la Chapelle de Saint-Ferdinand: Sainte Amélie, patronne de la reine (Stained-Glass for the Chapel of Saint Ferdinand: Saint Amelia, Patron Saint of the Queen), ca. 1842
Graphite on paper; height of the figure: approximately 37 cm‍‍[21]
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux‍‍[22]
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
Published in Guérinet, vol. 1, pl. 37
figure 32
Cat. 32, Vitraux pour la Chapelle de Saint-Ferdinand: Sainte Hélène, patronne de la duchesse d’Orléans (Stained-Glass for the Chapel of Saint Ferdinand: Saint Helen, Patron Saint of the Duchesse d’Orléans), ca. 1842
Graphite on paper; height of the figure: approximately 37 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
Published in Guérinet, vol. 1, pl. 32
figure 33
Cat. 33, Vitraux pour la Chapelle de Saint-Ferdinand: Saint Raphaël, patron du duc de Nemours (Stained-Glass for the Chapel of Saint Ferdinand: Saint Raphael, Patron Saint of the Duc de Nemours), ca. 1842
Graphite on paper; height of the figure: approximately 37 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
Published in Guérinet, vol. 1, pl. 31
figure 34
Cat. 34, Vitraux pour la Chapelle de Saint-Ferdinand: Saint Robert, patron du duc de Chartres (Stained-Glass for the Chapel of Saint Ferdinand: Saint Robert, Patron Saint of the Duc de Chartres), ca. 1842
Graphite on paper; height of the figure: approximately 37 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
Published in Guérinet, vol. 1, pl. 33
figure 35
Cat. 35, Vitraux pour la Chapelle de Saint-Ferdinand: Étude pour le Saint Clément, patron de la princesse Clémentine (Stained-Glass for the Chapel of Saint Ferdinand: [Nude] Study for Saint Clement, Patron Saint of the Princesse Clementine), ca. 1842
Graphite on paper; 37.3 x 20 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne, Inv. 2248
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Bonnat-Helleu; photograph by A. Vaquero
figure 36
Cat. 36, Vitraux pour la Chapelle de Saint-Ferdinand: Saint François d’Assise, patron du duc de
Joinville et de la princesse Marie (Stained-Glass for the Chapel of Saint Ferdinand: Saint Francis of Assisi, Patron Saint of the Duc de Joinville and the Princesse Marie), ca. 1842
Graphite on paper; height of the figure: approximately 37 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
Published in Guérinet, vol. 1, pl. 34
figure 37
Cat. 37, Vitraux pour la Chapelle de Saint-Ferdinand: Étude pour Saint François (Stained-Glass for the Chapel of Saint Ferdinand: [Nude] Study for Saint Francis), ca. 1842
Graphite on paper; height of the figure: approximately 37 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
Published in Guérinet, vol. 2, pl. 89
figure 38
Cat. 38, Vitraux pour la Chapelle de Saint-Ferdinand: Saint Antoine de Padoue, patron du duc de Montpensier et de la duchesse de Nemours (Stained-Glass for the Chapel of Saint Ferdinand: Saint Anthony of Padua, Patron Saint of the Duc de Montpensier and the Duchesse de Nemours), ca. 1842
Graphite on paper; height of the figure: approximately 37 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
Published in Guérinet, vol. 1, pl. 35
figure 39
Cat. 39, Vitraux pour la Chapelle de Saint-Ferdinand: Sainte Adélaïde, patronne de la princesse, soeur du roi Louis-Philippe (Stained-Glass for the Chapel of Saint Ferdinand: Saint Adelaide, Patron Saint of the Princesse, Sister of King Louis-Philippe), ca. 1842
Graphite on paper; height of the figure: approximately 37 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed

Image not Available

Cat. 40, Vitraux pour la Chapelle de Dreux: Étude pour Sainte Clothilde (Stained-Glass for the Chapel at Dreux: [Nude] Study for Saint Clotilde), ca. 1842‍‍[23]
Graphite on paper; height of the figure: approximately 37 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
figure 41
Cat. 41, (Possibly) Vitraux pour la Chapelle de Dreux: Sainte Hildegonde (Stained-Glass for the Chapelle de Dreux: Saint Hildegonde [Saint Radegund of Poitiers]), ca. 1842‍‍[24]
Black crayon on paper; 37.2 x 15.2 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Paris, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Inv. EBA 1111
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts

Image not Available

Cat. 42, Portrait de Mlle *** (Portrait of Mademoiselle *** [Madame Alexandre Bénard]), 1826‍‍[25]
Black chalk on paper; length: 28 cm
Signed and dated: Ingres, févr. 1826.
1861 owner: Alexandre Marcel, painter and heir to the sitter
Current location unknown
figure 43
Cat. 43, Portrait de Mlle Ramel, soeur de Mme Ingres (Portrait of Mademoiselle [Mathilde] Ramel, Sister of Madame Ingres), 1855
Graphite on paper; 35.3 x 26.7 cm
Signed and dated, lower left: J. Ingres Del. / 1855 / à Meung; inscribed, lower right: à Sa chere / belle Soeur- / Malle Mathilde / Ramel.
1861 owner: Mathilde Ramel
Current location unknown
Artwork in the public domain; published in Naef, Bildniszeichnungen, 5:357, no. 437
figure 44
Cat. 44, Portrait de M. Victor Baltard, architecte de la Ville (Portrait of Monsieur Victor Baltard, Architect of the City [of Paris]), 1837
Graphite on paper; 31.6 x 23.7 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower left: offert / à Madame / Baltard / Ingres Del / Rom. 1837.; dated, lower right: 30 aoust.
1861 owner: Victor Baltard
Current location unknown‍‍[26]
Artwork in the public domain; image available from: Wikiart
[N. 371]
figure 45
Cat. 45, Portrait de Mme Baltard (Portrait of Madame [Victor] Baltard [and her daughter, Paule]), 1836
Graphite on paper; 30.1 x 22.3 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower left: offert à Son ami / Mr Vr. Baltard / Ingres Del. Rom 1836.
1861 owner: Victor Baltard
Private Collection
Artwork in the public domain; image available from: Wikiart
[N. 368]
figure 46
Cat. 46, Portrait de M. Besnard [sic], architecte (Portrait of Monsieur [Alexandre] Bénard, Architect), 1818
Graphite highlighted with body color on cream wove paper; 46.4 x 35.6 cm
Signed, lower left: Ingres Li; dated, lower right: Rome 1818
1861 owner: Alexandre Marcel, painter and heir of Madame Alexandre Bénard
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Inv. 2014.144
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
[N. 235]
figure 47
Cat. 47, Le roi Charles x dans son costume du sacre (King Charles x in His Coronation Robes), ca. 1829
Graphite, gray wash, pen and brown ink, with highlights in white gouache, on paper, squared in graphite for transfer; 29.8 x 21.9 cm
Signed, lower left: Ingres
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres‍‍[27]
Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne, Inv. 241
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Bonnat-Helleu; photograph by A. Vaquero
figure 48
Cat. 48, Portrait de M. Cortot, sculpteur, membre de l’Institut (Portrait of Monsieur [Jean-Pierre] Cortot, Sculptor and Member of the Institute), 1818
Graphite on paper; 20.6 x 16.2 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower right: Ingres / à Cortot. / 1818 / rome.
1861 owner: Comtesse Désiré-François-Brice de Comps, niece of the sitter
University of Rochester Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester, NY, Inv. 1983.118
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the University of Rochester Memorial Art Gallery
[N. 230]
figure 49
Cat. 49, Portrait de M. Delécluse [sic] (Portrait of Monsieur [Étienne-Jean] Delécluze), 1856
Graphite accented with white chalk on cream wove paper; 33.2 x 25.1 cm
Inscribed, upper right: Mr J. DELECLUSE. Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower right: Son ami et / condisciple Delvit. / J. Ingres / 1856.
1861 owner: Étienne-Jean Delécluze
Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, MA, Bequest of Grenville L. Winthrop, Inv. 1943.849
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the President and Fellows of Harvard College
[N. 440]
figure 50
Cat. 50, Portrait de Mme Derville [sic] (Portrait of Madame [Jean-Baptiste-Michel-René Durand] d’Herville), 1834
Graphite on paper; 31.5 x 23.3 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower left: Ingres Del / à Madame / marcotte d’argenteuil / 1834.
1861 owner: Charles Marcotte d’Argenteuil, brother of the sitter
Private collection
Artwork in the public domain; published in Naef, Bildniszeichnungen 5:187, no. 348
figure 51
Cat. 51, Portrait de Mme Destouche [sic] (Portrait of Madame [Louis-Nicolas-Marie] Destouches), 1816
Graphite on paper; 43 x 28.5 cm
Signed and dated, lower right: Ingres Delineavit / rome 1816.
1861 owner: Adrien-Aimée Destouches, son of the sitter‍‍[28]
Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. RF 1747
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre
[N. 192]
figure 52
Cat. 52, Portrait de M. Hippolyte Flandrin, peintre, membre de l’Institut (Portrait of Monsieur Hippolyte Flandrin, Painter and Member of the Institute), 1855
Graphite on paper; 33 x 25.5 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower right: Ingres à Son ami / et grand artiste / hyppolite
flandrin / 1855.
1861 owner: Hippolyte Flandrin
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon, Inv. B1553
Artwork in the public domain; published in Elena Marchetti and Stéphane Paccoud, eds., Hippolyte, Paul, Auguste: Les Flandrins artistes et frères, exh. cat. (Lyon: Musée des Beaux-Arts, 2021), 36.
[N. 434]
figure 53
Cat. 53, Portrait de Mme Hippolyte Flandrin (Portrait of Madame Hippolyte Flandrin), 1850
Graphite on paper; 32.4 x 24.4 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower left: Ingres Del. / à Son ami et / Son illustre
Eleve / hte. flandrin. / 1850. Inscribed upper right: Madame Aimée hippte flandrin né Ancelot.
1861 owner: Hippolyte Flandrin
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon, Inv. B1554
Artwork in the public domain; image available from: Wikiart
[N. 419]
figure 54
Cat. 54, La Famille Forestier (The Forestier Family), 1806
Graphite on paper; 23.3 x 31.9 cm
Signed and dated, lower left: Ingres fecit 1806.
1861 owner: Madame Ferdinand Hauguet
Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. RF 1450
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre
[N. 33]
figure 55
Cat. 55, Portrait de M. Forster, graveur, membre de l’Institut (Portrait of Monsieur [François] Forster, Engraver and Member of the Institute), 1825
Graphite on paper; 31.6 x 23.8 cm
Signed, lower right: Ingres fecit-.
1861 owner: François Forster
Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne, Inv. 240
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Bonnat-Helleu; photograph by A. Vaquero
[N. 289]
figure 56
Cat. 56, Anonymous (after Ingres), Portrait de M. Nicolas-Marie Gatteaux, graveur en médailles (Portrait of Monsieur Nicolas-Marie Gatteaux, Medal Engraver), 1828
Graphite on paper; 32 x 27.5 cm
Signed and dated, lower left: Ingres 1828‍[29]
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Original drawing of 1828 presumably destroyed
Musée du Louvre, Paris, RF 1091
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre
[N. 317]
figure 57
Cat. 57, Anonymous (after Ingres), Portrait de Mme Gatteaux (Portrait of Madame [Nicolas-Marie] Gatteaux), 1825
Graphite with white highlights on paper; 34 x 27.5 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower left: Ingres à Son ami E. Gatteaux / fils. 1825.
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Original drawing of 1825 presumably destroyed
Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. 1092
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre
[N. 291]
figure 58
Cat. 58, Anonymous (after Ingres), Portrait de M. Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux, graveur de médailles, membre de l’Institut (Portrait of Monsieur Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux, Medal Engraver and Member of the Institute), 1834‍‍[30]
Graphite with white highlights on paper; 20 x 15.5 cm‍‍[31]
Signed, dated, and inscribed at left: Ingres Del 1834 / à son ami / E. Gatteaux‍‍[32]
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Original drawing of 1834 presumably destroyed
Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. 1093
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre
[N. 345]
figure 59
Cat. 59, Portrait de Mme Haudebourg [sic] Lescot, peintre (Portrait of Madame [Louis-Pierre] Haudebourt-Lescot, Painter), 1814
Graphite on paper; 28.5 x 21.5 cm
Signed and dated, lower left: Ingres à Rome 1814
1861 owner: Monsieur Lemaistre‍‍[33]
Private collection
Artwork in the public domain; published in Naef, Bildniszeichnungen, 4:227 (no. 124)
figure 60
Cat. 60, Portrait de M. Hayard (Portrait of Monsieur [Charles] Hayard [and his daughter Marguerite]), 1815
Graphite on paper; 30.8 x 22.9 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower right: Ingres à / Madame hayard / Rome 1815
1861 owner: Félix Duban (1798–1870), architect and son-in-law of Charles Hayard
British Museum, London, Inv. 1968,0210.19
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the British Museum
[N. 133]
figure 61
Cat. 61, Portrait de Mme Hayard (Portrait of Madame [Charles] Hayard [and her daughter Caroline]), 1815
Graphite on white wove paper; 29.2 x 20 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower left: Ingres / à / Monsieur Hayard / rome 1815.
1861 owner: Félix Duban
Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, MA, Bequest of Grenville L. Winthrop, Inv. 1943.843
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the President and Fellows of Harvard College
[N. 132]
figure 62
Cat. 62, Henri VIII, roi d’Angleterre (Henri VIII, King of England), ca. 1815‍–‍20
Graphite on paper; 24 x 17.5 cm
Inscribed at bottom: peint par Holbein / Henri VIII d’Angleterre
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres‍‍[34]
Private collection
Artwork in the public domain; published in Vincent Pomarède, Stéphane Guégan, Louis-Antoine Prat, and Éric Bertin, Ingres, 1780–1867, exh. cat. (Paris: Musée du Louvre, 2006), 127, no. 24.
figure 63
Cat. 63, Portrait de M. Hittorff, architecte du gouvernement, membre de
l’Institut (Portrait of Monsieur [Jacques-Ignace] Hittorff, Architect of the Government and Member of the Institute), 1829
Graphite on paper; 27 x 21.5 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower right: Ingres à / Madame / hittorff.- / 1829.
1861 owner: Jacques-Ignace Hittorff
Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. RF 31425
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre
[N. 320]
figure 64
Cat. 64, Luigi Calamatta (after Ingres), Portrait de M. Ingres, peintre, membre de l’Institut (Portrait of Monsieur Ingres, Painter and Member of the Institute), 1839‍‍[35]
Engraving; 62.5 x 49 cm
Signed and inscribed at bottom: Ingres / à Ses Eleves; dated, bottom right: Rome 1835
Owner of the 1835 drawing in 1861: Luigi Calamatta
Musée de la Vie Romantique, Paris, Inv. 2002.13
Artwork in the public domain; image available from: Les Musées de la ville de Paris
figure 65
Cat. 65, Portrait de Mme Ingres (Portrait of Madame [Jean-Auguste-Dominique] Ingres), 1852
Graphite and watercolor on vellum; 34.6 x 26.4 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower left: Madame Dpne. Ingres. / Ingres. Del. / 1852.
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres‍‍[36]
Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne, Inv. 244
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Bonnat-Helleu; photograph by A. Vaquero
[N. 427]
figure 66
Cat. 66, Portrait de M. Le Thière, peintre, membre de l’Institut (Portrait of Monsieur [Guillaume Guillon] Lethière, Painter and Member of the Institute), 1811‍‍[37]
Graphite on wove paper; 22.4 x 16.5 cm
Signed and dated, center right: Ingres à / rome. 1811
1861 owner: Charles Lethière, grandson of the sitter‍‍[38]
Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, MA, Bequest of Grenville L. Winthrop, Inv. 1943.846
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the President and Fellows of Harvard College
[N. 69]
figure 67
Cat. 67, Portrait de M. et Mme Le Thière (Portrait of Monsieur and Madame [Alexandre] Lethière [and their daughter Letizia]), 1815
Graphite on paper; 27.5 x 21.8 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower left: Ingres- à / Monsieur Lethière / rome 1815.
1861 owner: Charles Lethière, son of Alexandre Lethière
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Maria Antoinette Evans Fund, Inv. 26.45
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
[N. 140]
figure 68
Cat. 68, Portrait de Mme Magimel (Portrait of Madame [Albert] Magimel), 1850
Graphite on paper; 36.7 x 29 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower left: Ingres à Son Excellent / ami Magimel / 1850.; inscribed, upper right: Madame Amelie Magimel
Private collection
1861 owner: Albert Magimel
Artwork in the public domain; published in Naef, Bildniszeichnungen, 5:327 (no. 421)
figure 69
Cat. 69, Portrait de M. Marcotte d’Argenteuil, directeur de l’Administration des forêts (Portrait of [Charles] Marcotte d’Argenteuil, Director of the Administration of Forests), 1828
Graphite on paper; 31.1 x 22.9 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower right: Ingres Delineavit / 1828. / à madame / marcotte d’Argenteuil.
1861 owner: Charles Marcotte d’Argenteuil
Current location unknown‍‍[39]
Artwork in the public domain; image available from: Thierry de Maigret, Commissaire Priseur
[N. 308]
figure 70
Cat. 70, Napoléon 1er sur le trône imperial (Napoleon I on His Imperial Throne), ca. 1806
Pen and brown ink and blue-grey wash over traces of graphite on paper; 29.6 x 19 cm
Signed, lower right: Ingres
1861 owner: Hector Lefuel (?)‍‍[40]
Current location unknown‍‍[41]
Artwork in the public domain; image available from: Sotheby’s
figure 71
Cat. 71, Portrait de Mlle *** (Portrait of Mademoiselle*** [Marie Reiset]), ca. 1850
Graphite on paper; 34.3 x 24.2 cm
Signed, lower right: Ingres Del.
1861 owner: Frédéric Reiset, father of the sitter
Current location unknown‍‍[42]
Artwork in public domain; image available from: Artnet Price Database
[N. 423]
figure 72
Cat. 72, Portrait de M. Reiset (Portrait of Monsieur [Louis] Reiset), 1844
Graphite with white highlights on paper; 31.6 x 23.1 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower right: J. Ingres Del. / à Madame Reiset / Enghein 1844.
1861 owner: Frédéric Reiset, son-in-law of the sitter
Current location unknown
Artwork in the public domain; published in Naef, Bildniszeichnungen, 5:281 (no. 397)
figure 73
Cat. 73, Portrait de M. Sturler [sic], peintre (Portrait of [Franz Adolf von] Stürler, Painter), 1849
Graphite on paper; 32.9 x 24.8 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower right: Ingres Del / à son ami Sturler / 3 Sept. 1849.
1861 owner: Franz Adolf von Stürler, painter (1802–81)
Kunstmuseum, Bern
Artwork in the public domain; image available from: Wikimedia Commons
[N. 415]
figure 74
Cat. 74, Portrait de Mlle *** (Portrait of Mademoiselle*** [Charlotte-Madeleine Taurel]), ca. 1825
Graphite on paper; 16.9 x 12.8 cm
Signed, lower right: Ingres Del.
1861 owner: Émile Galichon
Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. RF 4624
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre
[N. 294]
figure 75
Cat. 75, Portrait de M. Walckenaer, membre de l’Institut (Portrait of Monsieur [Charles-Athanase, Baron] Walckenaer), 1826
Graphite on paper; 31.2 x 23.3 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower right: Ingres à Son ami Monsieur Marcotte / 1826.
1861 owner: Charles Marcotte d’Argenteuil, brother-in-law of the sitter
Current location unknown‍‍[43]
Artwork in the public domain; image available from: Artnet Price Database
[N. 300]
figure 76
Cat. 76, Portrait de Mme Walckenaer (Portrait of Madame [Charles-Athanase, Baronne] Walckenaer), 1825
Graphite on paper; 31.1 x 23.1 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower right: Ingres à Son ami Monsieur Marcotte 1825.
1861 owner: Charles Marcotte d’Argenteuil, brother of the sitter
Current location unknown
Artwork in the public domain; published in Naef, Bildniszeichnungen, 5:91 (no. 298)

Image not Available

Cat. 77, Deux Études pour une Vierge (Two Studies for the Virgin)‍‍[44]
Graphite on paper; length: 23 cm
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres (?)‍‍[45]
Current location unkown
figure 78
Cat. 78, Homme couché sur le ventre (Man Lying on His Stomach [Study for The Golden Age]), ca. 1842
Black chalk on paper; width: 35 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
Published in Guérinet, vol. 1, pl. 52
figure 79
Cat. 79, Étude de jeune femme (Study of a Young Woman [for Raphael and the Fornarina]), ca. 1814‍‍[46]
Graphite on white wove paper; 25.4 x 19.7 cm
Signed, lower left: Ingres-‍‍[47]
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres‍‍[48]
Robert Lehman Collection, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Inv. 1975.1.646
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Image not Available

Cat. 80, Jeune Femme travaillant à l’Aiguille (Young Woman Working at Her Needlework)
Line drawing in pen; length: 20 cm
1861 owner: unknown
Current location unknown

Image not Available

Cat. 81, Jeune Femme enlaçant de ses bras le cou d’un jeune homme (Young Woman with Her Arms around the Neck of a Young Man [Study for The Golden Age]), ca. 1842‍‍[49]
Graphite on paper; height of the figure: 29 cm
1861 Owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres (?)‍‍[50]
Current location unknown
figure 82
Cat. 82, Group de deux femmes nues, l’une couchée et l’autre assise (Two Nude Women, One Lying Down and the Other Seated [Study for The Golden Age]), ca. 1842
Black crayon on paper; 11.4 x 25 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux‍‍[51]
Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. RF 1096
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre
figure 83
Cat. 83, Jeune homme assis à terre dans une attitude nonchalante (Young Man Seated on the Ground in a Nonchalant Posture [Study for The Golden Age]), ca. 1842
Graphite, squared in black chalk, on paper; 22.5 x 27 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. RF 1103
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre
figure 84
Cat. 84, (Possibly) Étude de jeune homme en pied (Study of a Young Man Standing)‍‍[52]
Black crayon on paper; 22.8 x 11.8 cm
Signed, lower left: Ing.‍‍[53]
1861 owner: Alexandre Desgoffe (1805–82), painter and former pupil of Ingres’s
Current location unknown‍‍[54]
Artwork in the public domain; image available from: Christie’s
figure 85
Cat. 85, Homme nu assis sur un tertre (Nude Man Seated on a Hillock)
Black chalk on paper; length: 24.5 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
Published in Guérinet, vol. 2, pl. 75
figure 86
Cat. 86, Croquis faits d’après une peinture d’Andre Del Sarte (Sketches after a Painting by Andrea del Sarto), 1823
Graphite on white modern laid paper; 18.5 x 23.4 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, MA, Bequest of Meta and Paul J. Sachs, Inv. 1965.297
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the President and Fellows of Harvard College

Image not Available

Cat. 87, Tête de jeune fille (Head of a Young Woman)‍‍[55]
Crayon with white highlights on a book cover; height: 31 cm
1861 owner: unknown
Current location unknown
figure 88
Cat. 88, Études de jambe, de pied et de main (Studies of a Leg, a Foot and a Hand [for the Martyrdom of Saint Symphorian]), ca 1834
Charcoal pencil on two joined sheets of paper; 23.2 x 11 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne, Inv. 2245
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Bonnat-Helleu; photograph by A. Vaquero


Cat. 89, Études de mains pour les portraits de M. Bertin, de M. le comte Molé et du duc
d’Orléans (Hand Studies for the Portraits of Monsieur Bertin, the Comte Molé and the Duc d’Orléans)
figure 89
Cat. 89a, Study for the Right Hand of Monsieur Bertin, 1832
Graphite on tracing paper, laid down; 17.6 x 20.6 cm
Signed, lower center: Ing.; inscribed, lower left: Main de M. Bertin
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres‍‍[56]
Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, MA, Bequest of Grenville L. Winthrop, Inv. 1943.853
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the President and Fellows of Harvard College
figure 89b
Cat. 89b, Study for the Right Hand of the Duc d’Orleans, 1842
Graphite, white chalk, and black crayon on tracing paper, backed; 18.9 x 23.9 cm
Signed, lower right: Ing; inscribed lower left: Main de Mgneur le Duc d’Orleans
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres
Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, MA, Bequest of Grenville L. Winthrop, Inv. 1943.852
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the President and Fellows of Harvard College
figure 89c
Cat. 89c, Study for the Right Hand of the Comte Molé, 1834
Graphite and white chalk on tracing paper, laid down; 18.6 x 21.4 cm
Signed, lower right: Ing.; inscribed, upper left: main de M. Molé; inscribed, lower right: id de Cte Molé.
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres
Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, MA, Bequest of Grenville L. Winthrop, Inv. 1943.851
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the President and Fellows of Harvard College
figure 89d
Cat. 89d, Study for the Left Hand of the Comte Molé, 1834
Graphite and white chalk on tracing paper, laid down; 17.8 x 21.5 cm
Signed, lower right: Ing.; inscribed, upper left: main de M. le Cte Molé.
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres
Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, MA, Bequest of Grenville L. Winthrop, Inv. 1943.852
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the President and Fellows of Harvard College
figure 90
Cat. 90, Étude de draperies pour le Portrait de Mme de Broglie (Drapery Study for the Portrait of Madame de Broglie), ca. 1852–53‍‍[57]
Graphite and red chalk on paper, squared for transfer; 27.8 x 17.5 cm
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres (?)‍‍[58]
Current location unknown‍‍[59]
Artwork in the public domain; published in Gary Tinterow and Philip Conisbee, eds., Portraits by Ingres: Image of an Epoch, exh. cat. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999), 451, fig. 278.
figure 91
Cat. 91, (Possibly) Études de draperies (Drapery Studies [for the Martyrdom of Saint Symphorian]), ca. 1833‍‍[60]
Graphite on tracing paper; 24.1 x 40.5 cm‍‍[61]
Inscribed, lower left: d’apres Ing‍‍[62]
1861 owner: Hippolyte Flandrin (?)‍‍[63]
Musée Ingres Bourdelle, Montauban, Inv. 867.1914
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Ingres Bourdelle
[V. 565]
figure 01
Hors cat., Mme Ducloz-Marcotte (Madame [Louise-Antoinette] Ducloz-Marcotte), 1825‍‍[64]
Graphite with white highlights on paper; 25.6 x 19.3 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower right: Ingres à Son ami / monsieur Marcotte / 1825.
1861 owner: Charles Marcotte d’Argenteuil, son of the sitter
Current location unknown‍‍[65]
Artwork in the public domain; image available from: Thierry de Maigret, Commissaire Priseur
[N. 295]
figure 2.1
Ser. 2.1, Philémon et Baucis (Philemon and Baucis), 1855
Graphite, brush and brown wash, India ink, and white gouache highlights on ochre paper, squared for transfer; 29.7 x 44.3 cm
Signed and dated lower left: J.J Ingres fecit. 1855; inscribed on the margin: Ingres, à Monsieur le Comte de Nieurskerke. / aout 1855
1861 owner: Comte Alfred Emilien de Nieuwerkerke
Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne, Inv. 2258
Artwork in the public domain; photograph courtesy of the Musée Bonnat-Helleu; photograph by A. Vaquero
figure 2.2
Ser. 2.2, L’Âge d’or: Un jeune homme debout, qui emplit à un fontaine un vase (The Golden Age: A Standing Young Man Filling a Vase from a Fountain), ca. 1843
Black chalk on paper, squared for transfer; length: 25.8 cm
Inscribed: Ingres à M. Timbal‍[66]
1861 owner: Louis-Charles Timbal (?)‍‍[67]
Current location unknown
Published in Guérinet, vol. 1, pl. 42
figure 2.3
Ser. 2.3, L’Âge d’or: Une femme debout, ses bras élevés, comme pour enlacer le cou d’un homme sur lequel elle s’appuyerait (The Golden Age: A Standing Woman, with Her Arms Raised as if to Embrace the Neck of a Man on Whom She Is Leaning), ca. 1842
Black chalk on paper, squared for transfer; length: 36 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
Published in Guérinet, vol. 1, pl. 17
figure 2.4
Ser. 2.4, La Stratonice: Étude de la figure de Stratonice (The Stratonice: Study for the Figure of Stratonice), ca. 1834–40
Signed lower left: Ingres
Graphite, black chalk, and rubbed charcoal on paper, squared for transfer; 49.3 x 32 cm
Signed, lower left: Ingres
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres‍‍[68]
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Pfeiffer Fund, 1963, Inv. 63.66
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art
figure 2.5
Ser. 2.5, Romulus remportant les premières dépouilles opimes: Deux projets pour le serviteur qui relève le cadavre d’Acron (Romulus Carrying Off the First Spoils of War: Two Alternatives for the Servant Who Removes the Cadaver of Acron), ca. 1812
Graphite on paper; 21.9 x 35.3 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne, Inv. 2228
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Bonnat-Helleu, photograph by A. Vaquero
figure 2.6
Ser. 2.6, Romulus remportant les premières dépouilles opimes: La figure entière d’Acron avec des études pour sa tête, son torse, et ses jambes (Romulus Carrying Off the First Spoils of War: The Entire Figure of Acron, with Studies for His Head, Torso, and Legs), ca. 1810‍–‍12
Graphite on wove paper; 19.6 x 37.4 cm
Signed lower left: Ing
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Rogers Fund, 1919, Inv. 19.125.2
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art
figure 2.7
Ser. 2.7, Romulus remportant les premières dépouilles opimes: L’Écuyer qui port le bouclier de Romulus (Romulus Carrying Off the First Spoils of War: The Equerry Who Carries the Shield of Romulus), ca. 1812
Graphite on paper; length: 34 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
Published in Guérinet, vol. 1, pl. 18
figure 2.8
Ser. 2.8, Romulus remportant les premières dépouilles opimes: Esquisses de jambes, soi pour l’écuyer, soi pour celui qui porte le casque du héros (Romulus Carrying Off the First Spoils of War: Sketches of the Legs of either the Equerry [carrying the shield] or of the One Carrying the Helmet of the Hero), ca. 1812
Graphite on paper; 16.8 x 30.1 cm
Signed, lower left: Ing
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne, Inv. 2226
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Bonnat-Helleu; photograph by A. Vaquero
figure 2.9
Ser. 2.9, Virgile lisant l’Énéide (Virgil Reading the Aeneid), ca. 1812–15
Pen and black ink, with highlights in white gouache over graphite, on bister paper; 22.9 x 31.8 cm
Signed and dated on the verso: J. Ingres fec. / à Rome 1815
1861 owner: Alexandre Hesse (1806–79), painter
Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne, Inv. 2232
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Bonnat-Helleu; photograph by A. Vaquero

Image not Available

Ser 2.10, Virgile lisant l’Énéide: Études pour les mains et le torse d’Octavie (Virgil Reading the Aeneid: Studies for the Hands and Torso of Octavia), ca. 1812‍‍[69]
Graphite on paper; width: 27 cm
1861 owner: Frédéric Reiset
Current location unknown
figure 2.11
Ser. 2.11, Virgile lisant l’Énéide: Étude pour la figure du Virgile (Virgil Reading the Aeneid: A Study for the Figure of Virgil), ca. 1812
Graphite on paper; length: 21 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
Published in Guérinet, vol. 1, pl. 35
figure 2.12
Ser. 2.12, Francesca da Rimini, 1819‍‍[70]
Graphite on paper, partially squared for transfer; 23.5 x 17.4 cm
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres (?)‍‍[71]
Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne, Inv. 2234
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy the Musée Bonnat-Helleu; photograph by A. Vaquero

Image not Available

Ser. 2.13, Le Voeu de Louis XIII: Esquisses pour les mains de la Vierge (The Vow of Louis XIII: Sketches for the Hands of the Virgin), ca. 1822
13.5 x 19. 5 cm‍‍[72]
1861 owner: unknown
Current location unknown

Image not Available

Ser. 2.14, Le Voeu de Louis XIII: Croquis pour les anges qui entourent la Mère de Dieu (The Vow of Louis XIII: Sketches for the Angels that Surround the Mother of God), ca. 1824‍‍[73]
28.5 x 21.7 cm‍‍[74]
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown
figure 2.15
Ser. 2.15, L’Apothéose de Napoléon Ier: Une grande étude pour les chevaux (The Apotheosis of Napoleon I: A Large Study of the Horses), 1853
Graphite on paper, squared for transfer; 37.3 x 21.3 cm
Signed, lower left: Ing
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres‍‍[75]
Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne, Inv. 2255
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy the Musée Bonnat-Helleu; photograph by A. Vaquero
figure 2.16
Ser. 2.16, Étude pour les Vitraux pour la Chapelle de Saint-Ferdinand: Saint-Philippe, patron du roi Louis-Philippe (Study for the Stained-Glass for the Chapel of Saint Ferdinand: Saint Philip, Patron Saint of King Louis-Philippe), ca. 1842
Graphite on paper; height of the figure: approximately 37 cm‍‍[76]
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Currently location unknown; presumably destroyed
Published in Guérinet, vo. 2, pl. 83.

Image not Available

Ser. 2.17, Étude pour les Vitraux pour la Chapelle de Saint-Ferdinand: Saint Robert, Patron du duc de Chartres ([Nude] Study for the Stained Glass for the Chapel of Saint Ferdinand: Saint Robert, Patron Saint of the Duc de Chartres), ca. 1842‍‍[77]
Graphite on paper; height of the figure: approximately 37 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
figure 2.18
Ser. 2.18, Étude pour les Vitraux pour la Chapelle de Saint-Ferdinand: Saint Clément, patron de la princesse Clémentine (Study for the Stained Glass for the Chapel of Saint Ferdinand: Saint Clement, Patron Saint of Princess Clementine), ca.1842
Charcoal pencil on paper; 38.5 x 21.1 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne, Inv. 2249
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Bonnat-Helleu; photograph by A. Vaquero
figure 2.19
Ser. 2.19, Étude pour les Vitraux pour la Chapelle de Saint-Ferdinand: Saint Henri, Patron du duc d’Aumale (Study for the Stained-Glass for the Chapel of Saint Ferdinand: Saint Henry, Patron Saint of the Duc d’Aumale), ca. 1842
Graphite on paper; height of the figure: approximately 37 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
Published in Guérinet, vol. 1, pl. 33
figure 2.20
Ser. 2.20, M. Le Marquis de Pastoret: Étude pour le bras gauche (Monsieur le Marquis de Pastoret: Study for the Left Arm), ca. 1826
Charcoal and graphite, with white highlights, on gray paper; 37.5 x 23.2 cm
Inscribed, lower left: Ing
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres
Musée Ingres Bourdelle, Montauban, Inv. 867.363
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Ingres Bourdelle
[V. 2766]
figure 2.21
Ser. 2.21, Madame La Baronne de Rothschild: Étude pour la robe ornée de noeuds nombreux (Madame La Baronne de Rothschild: Study for the Dress Decorated with Numerous Bows), ca. 1847
Charcoal with white highlights on beige paper, partially squared for transfer; 33.2 x 25.9 cm
Inscribed, lower left: Ing
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres
Musée Ingres Bourdelle, Montauban, Inv. 867.375
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Ingres Bourdelle
[V. 2773]
figure 2.22
Ser. 2.22, Maison où est né Raphaël, à Urbin (The House in Urbino in Which Raphael Was Born), 1839
Graphite on paper; 23.8 x 17.7 cm
Signed and dated, lower left: ingres Del sur le lieu mardi 14 mai 1839.
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres
Musée Ingres Bourdelle, Montauban, Inv. 867.4460
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée Ingres Bourdelle
[V. 3138]
figure 2.23
Ser. 2.23, Église Sainte-Praxède, à Rome (The Basilica of Saint Praxedes in Rome), 1810
Pen, brown ink, and watercolor, with highlights in white gouache and gold on paper; 23.8 x 17.9 cm
Inscribed on the old mount, at left: Ingres. fecit; dated, lower right: rome 1810
1861 owner: J.-A.-D. Ingres‍‍[78]
École Nationale Supérieur des Beaux-Arts, Paris, Inv. EBA 1099
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the École Nationale Supérieur des Beaux-Arts
figure 2.24
Ser. 2.24, Madame *** (Madame *** [Charles Simart]), 1857
Graphite on tracing paper, mounted on cardboard; 33.5 x 25.5 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower right: à Son ami Simard / Ingres Del. / 1857.
1861 owner: Prosper Baltard (1796–1862), architect and father-in-law of the sitter
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, Elisabeth H. Gates Fund, Inv. 1932:130
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery
[N. 444]


Ser. 2.25, Deux Dames Anglaises (Two English Ladies)‍‍[79]
figure 2.25a
Ser. 2.25a, A. Durand (after Ingres), Femme vue en buste, regardant à droite et coiffée en cheveux (Woman Viewed Bust-Length, Turned towards the Right, and Bare-Headed [Miss Elizabeth Anne Rawdon]), 1815
Crayon-manner engraving; 17.5 x 17.2 cm‍‍[80]
1861 owner of 1815 drawing: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location of 1815 drawing unknown; presumably destroyed
Engraving in the British Museum, London, Inv. 1884,0412.231
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the British Museum
[N. 155]

Image not Available

Ser. 2.25b, Femme vue en buste, tournée à gauche, avec un bonnet sur la tête (Woman Viewed Bust-Length, Turned to the Left and Wearing a Bonnet [presumably Mrs. John Theophilus Rawdon]), 1815
Graphite on paper; length of the figure: 12.3 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
figure 2.26
Ser. 2.26, Madame d’Agoult (Madame [Charles] d’Agoult [and her daughter, Claire]), 1849
Graphite, heightened with white opaque watercolor, with touches of yellow watercolor, on off-white wove paper, lined to secondary wove paper; 48.5 x 39.9 cm
Signed and dated, lower right: J. Ingres Del. / 1849
1861 owner: Madame Charles d’Agoult‍‍[81]
Art Institute of Chicago, Inv. 2019.852
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Art Institute of Chicago
[N. 412]
figure 2.27
Ser. 2.27, M. Beljame (Monsieur [Alexandre-Michel] Beljame), 1812
Graphite on paper; diameter: 17.5 cm
Signed and dated, lower right: Ingres à Rome 1812
1861 owner: Alexandre-Michel Beljame (1791–1881)
Currently on the art market
Artwork in the public domain; published in Raphaël Aracil de Dauksza and Damien Dumarquez, Dessins et aquarelles du XIXe siècle, exh. cat. (Paris: Galerie La Nouvelle Athènes, 2022), n.p., no. 7.‍‍[82]
[N. 80]
figure 2.28
Ser. 2.28, M. Blondel, peintre (Monsieur [Merry-Joseph] Blondel, Painter), 1809
Graphite on paper; 17.6 x 14 cm
Signed and dated, lower left: Ingres / à rome 1809
1861 owner: Alfred Wittersheim, son-in-law of the sitter‍‍[83]
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Bequest of Grace Rainey Rogers, 1943, Inv. 43.85.8
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art
[N. 54]
figure 2.29
Ser. 2.29, M. Cazeaux (Monsieur [Pierre-Guillaume] Cazeaux), 1798
Black chalk, with stumping and white highlights on paper; diameter: 17.8 cm
1861 owner: Hortense Cazeaux, daughter of the sitter‍‍[84]
Private collection
Artwork in the public domain; image available from: Wikiart
[N. 23]
figure 2.30
Ser. 2.30, M. Dulong de Rosnay, lieutenant général (Monsieur [Louis-Étienne] Dulong de Rosnay, Lieutenant General), 1818
Graphite on wove paper; 45.1 x 34.3 cm
Signed and dated, lower left: Ingres Deli. rom. 1818.
1861 owner: Hermand Dulong de Rosnay, son of the sitter
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Gift of Mrs. Charles Wrightsman, 2012; Inv. 2012.150.9
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art
[N. 72]
figure 2.31
Ser. 2.31, M. de Fleury (Monsieur [Hubert Rohault] de Fleury), 1858
Graphite with white highlights on brownish paper; 31.5 x 24.3 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower right: Ingres Del, / à Madame / Louise Marcotte. / 1858. / 18 octobre.
1861 owner: Charles Marcotte d’Argenteuil, father-in-law of the sitter
Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, Inv. DR.1975.9
Artwork in the public domain; image available from: Wikimedia Commons
[N. 446]
figure 2.32
Ser. 2.32, Mademoiselle Marcotte (Mademoiselle [Louise] Marcotte), 1848
Graphite, highlighted with white, on paper; 32 x 24 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower left: Ingres Del. / à Madame Marcotte / au Poncelet oct / 1848.
1861 owner: Charles Marcotte d’Argenteuil, father of the sitter
Current location unknown‍‍[85]
Artwork in the public domain; image available from: Christie’s
[N. 410]
figure 2.33
Ser. 2.33, M. de Fresne, ancien conseiller d’État (Monsieur [Adolphe-Marcellin] Defresne, Former Councilor of State), 1825
Graphite on paper; 42.4 x 29.2 cm
Signed and dated, lower right: Ingres Del. 1825.
1861 owner: Adolphe-Marcellin Defresne
Morgan Library and Museum, New York, Inv. 2017.126
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Morgan Library and Museum
[N. 299]
figure 2.34
Ser. 2.34, Madame de Fresne (Madame [Adolphe-Marcellin] Defresne), 1826
Graphite on paper; 43.3 x 30.5 cm
Signed and dated, lower left: Ingres. Del. 1826.
1861 owner: Adolphe-Marcellin Defresne, husband of the sitter
Morgan Library and Museum, New York, Inv. 2017.127
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Morgan Library and Museum
[N. 301]
figure 2.35
Ser. 2.35, Anonymous photogravure (after Ingres), M. Gatteaux, graveur en médailles, sculpteur, membre de l’Institut (Monsieur [Edouard] Gatteaux, Medal Engraver, Sculptor, and Member of the Institute), 1813
Graphite on paper; length of the figure: 22 cm
Signed and dated, lower left: Ingres / a rome / 1813.
1861 owner of 1813 drawing: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Currently location of 1813 drawing unknown; presumably destroyed
Artwork in the public domain; published in Naef, Bildniszeichnungen, 4:173, no. 93
figure 2.36
Ser. 2.36, M. Hennet (Monsieur [Alphonse] Hennet [de Goutel]), 1846
Graphite on paper; 32.1 x 24.2 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower left: Ingres Del. / à Sa Très Excellente / amie Madame /
hennet. / Paris. 1846.
1861 owner: Alphonse Hennet de Goutel
Current location unknown‍‍[86]
Artwork in the public domain; image available from: WikiArt
[N. 405]
figure 2.37
Ser. 2.37, M. Legentil (Monsieur [Alexandre] Legentil), 1846
Graphite with white highlights on yellowish paper; 32.2 x 23.9 cm
Signed and inscribed, lower left: Ingres Del / à Madame / Marcotte; dated, lower right: au
Poncelet. / 29 aoust 1846.
1861 owner: Charles Marcotte d’Argenteuil, father-in-law of the sitter
Current location unknown‍‍[87]
Artwork in the public domain; image available from: Artnet Price Database
[N. 404]
figure 2.38
Ser. 2.38, Madame Legentil (Madame [Alexandre] Legentil), 1846
Graphite with white highlights on yellowish paper; 32 x 23.9 cm
Signed and inscribed, lower left: Ingres Del. / à Madame / Marcotte; dated, lower right: au
Poncelet / 28 aoust 1846.
1861 owner: Charles Marcotte d’Argenteuil, father of the sitter
Current location unknown‍‍[88]
Artwork in the public domain; image available from: Artnet Price Database
[N. 403]
figure 2.39
Ser. 2.39, M. Joseph Marcotte (Monsieur Joseph Marcotte), 1849
Graphite on paper; 32.2 x 23.8 cm
Signed and dated, lower left: J. Ingres Del. / 1849; inscribed, lower right: à Madame / Louise
Marcotte. / au Poncelet.
1861 owner: Charles Marcotte d’Argenteuil, father of the sitter
Current location unknown‍‍[89]
Artwork in the public domain; image available from: Artnet Price Database
[N. 411]
figure 2.40
Ser. 2.40, Madame Mottez (Madame [Victor] Mottez), 1844
Graphite with white highlights on paper; 33.5 x 26 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower left: Ingres à Son / Eleve et ami / Mottez 1844.
1861 owner: Victor Mottez (1809–97), painter‍‍[90]
State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Inv. 131–17956
Artwork in the public domain; published in Naef, Bildniszeichnungen, 5:289, no. 401
figure 2.41
Ser. 2.41, M. le comte Nieuwerkerke, directeur général des musées impériaux, membre de l’Académie (Monsieur le Comte [Alfred Emilien de] Nieuwerkerke, Director of Imperial Museums and Member of the Academy), 1856
Graphite and white chalk on cream wove paper; 33 x 24.3 cm
Signed, dated, and inscribed, lower right: hommage du / plus affectueux / dévouement / Ingres- / 1856.
1861 owner: Alfred Emilien de Nieuwerkerke‍‍[91]
Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, MA, Bequest of Grenville L. Winthrop, Inv.1943.855
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the President and Fellows of Harvard College
[N. 439]
figure 2.42
Ser. 2.42, La famille Stamaty (The Stamaty Family), 1818
Graphite on paper; 46.3 x 37.1 cm
Signed and dated, lower right: JA. Ingres Del. roma / 1818.
1861 owner: Madame Augustin Varcollier, née Atala Stamaty, who is represented in the drawing seated before the piano
Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. RF 4114
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre
[N. 217]
figure 2.43
Ser. 2.43, M. Vatinelle, graveur en médailles (Monsieur [Ursin-Jules] Vatinelle, Medal Engraver), 1820
Graphite on paper; 18.3 x 14 cm
Signed and dated, lower right: Ingres / rom / 1820
1861 owner: Ursin-Jules Vatinelle‍‍[92]
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Bequest of Grace Rainey Rogers, 1943, Inv. 43.85.9
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art
[N. 246]

Image not Available

Ser. 2.44, Une étude d’homme (A Study of a Man)‍‍[93]
Graphite on paper; 19. 5 x 13.3 cm
1861 owner: unknown
Current location unknown
figure 2.45
Ser. 2.45, Un jeune homme qui cherche à consoler un enfant (A Young Man [sic] Who Attempts to Console a Child [Study for the Martyrdom of Saint Symphorian]), ca. 1827‍‍[94]
Black chalk on paper; 24 x 13.5 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. RF 1101
Artwork in the public domain; image courtesy of the Musée du Louvre
figure 2.46
Ser. 2.46, (Possibly) Un jeune homme qui saute, et se rejette en arrière plein de surprise (A Young Man Jumping and Leaning Back in Great Surprise [Study for the Apotheosis of Napoleon I]), ca. 1853‍‍[95]
Black chalk on paper, squared for transfer; length: 17.4 cm
1861 owner: Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux
Current location unknown; presumably destroyed
Published in Guérinet, vol. 1, pl. 21

Image not Available

Ser. 2.47, Un homme assis, qui tient à la main une lyre (A Seated Man Holding a Lyre)
Graphite on paper; length: 13 cm
1861 owner: unknown
Current location unknown


[1] Galichon, “Description des dessins,” 345, does not stipulate a medium for this drawing.

[2] No owner is identified by Galichon. The sheet bears the collection stamp of Étienne-François Haro, suggesting that it could have been among the cache of drawings Ingres sold to the dealer in October 1866 to raise funds to provide for his wife after his death; and indeed, the contract includes a drawing described as “Étude d’enfant” (Study of a child). (On this transaction, see note 13 of the main text.) Haro sold these drawings as part of the second Ingres studio sale in May 1867, and one of the drawings listed in the sales catalogues matches this work. See Vente de quatre-vingt-dix tableaux, dessins, aquarelles et études provenant de l’atelier de M. Ingres, peintre d’histoire, sénateur, membre de l’Institut, auction cat. (Paris: Hôtel Drouot, 1867), 23, lot 43: “Étude d’un enfant nu, debout, pour la même tableau [Le Martyre de Saint Symphorien] et une seconde étude pour la tête” (Study of a standing nude child from the same painting [The Martyrdom of Saint Symphorian] with a second study of the head).

[3] The drawing was sold for EUR 23,000 by Olivier Doutrebente, Estampes, dessins et tableaux anciens et modernes, objets d’art, lustres, mobilier, art Asie, auction cat. (Paris: Hôtel Drouot, November 26, 2021), n.p., lot 24.

[4] This drawing was among those sold by Ingres to Haro in 1866 (it may be the drawing described in the contract as Étude du saint Symphorien [Study for Saint Symphorian]). Haro subsequently sold it at the second Ingres studio sale in May 1867. See Vente de l’atelier de M. Ingres, 22, lot 41.

[5] See Galichon, “Description des dessins,” 352: “La deuxième esquisse n’est qu’une simple indication, faite au trait, avec un crayon et une plume sur une papier-calque. Toutes les figures sont nues, à l’exception de celles d’Apelles, du Poussin et de Corneille. Dans cette étude, comme dans la précédente [cat. 7], la Gloire porte d’une main le flambeau de l’immortalité et de l’autre dépose sur la tête d’Homère une couronne, qu’elle tient de ses deux mains dans le tableau. L’Iliade, semblable à celle de la peinture, à son épée posée près d’elle sur les marches, et l’Odyssée, qui n’est point encore celle de la toile, appuie son front sur sa main gauche.” (The second sketch is only a rough indication, rendered in outlines with pencil and pen on tracing paper. With the exception of Apelles, Poussin, and Corneille, all the figures are nude. In this study, as in the previous one [cat. 7], Glory holds the torch of immortality in one hand and with the other places on Homer’s head a crown, which she holds with both hands in the painting. The personification of the Iliad, as in the painting, has her sword placed next to her on the steps, while the figure representing the Odyssey, which is not yet the one we see on the canvas, rests her forehead on her left hand.)

[6] Galichon does not identify the owner of this drawing. However, it was later in the collection of Delphine Ingres, who sold it at auction in 1886, making it highly likely that Ingres (or his wife) lent it to the 1861 exhibition.

[7] Galichon does not identify the owner of this work. However, the Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique purchased it at the second Ingres studio sale in May 1867 (see Vente de l’atelier de M. Ingres, 27, lot 69). This may also be the drawing entitled Léonard mourant dans les bras de François 1er (Leonardo Expiring in the Arms of King Francis the First) included in the cache of drawings Ingres sold to Haro in October 1866. Either way, the drawing was probably still in the artist’s possession in 1861.

[8] The identity of this figure remains a mystery. His name is not included in the index of Naef, Die Bildniszeichnungen, suggesting that he was not a direct associate of Ingres’s. This drawing was subsequently owned by Haro; it is therefore almost certainly the work sold in the second Ingres studio sale of May 1867. See Vente de l’atelier de M. Ingres, 28, lot 73: Le duc d’Albe à Sainte-Gudule, which was signed and dated J. Ingres 1815.

[9] Galichon, “Déscription des dessins,” 350: “Le dessin exposé ici est la première pensée du célèbre tableaux. . . . Au lieu de songer alors à repésenter la Mère de Dieu glorieuse et portant l’enfant entre ses bras, M. Ingres pensait à la montrer navrée de douleur derrirère le cadavre de son fils soutenu et pleuré par deux anges. Le roi Louis XIII, dessiné seulement au trait, est vu à mi-corps, offrant à la Mère de Dieu son sceptre et sa couronne.” (The drawing exhibited here is the première pensée for the famous painting. . . . Instead of envisioning the representation of the glorious Mother of God carrying the Christ child in her arms, Monsieur Ingres planned to show her grief-stricken behind the cadaver of her son, who is being supported and mourned by two angels. King Louis XIII, drawn only in outline, is viewed half-length, offering up to the Mother of God his scepter and crown.)

[10] Aimé-Charles-Horace His de la Salle (1795–1878) was a prominent collector and connoisseur of drawings and a friend of Frédéric Reiset’s. See Naef, Die Bildnisziechnungen, 3:350, 356–62.

[11] The illustrated work accords closely with the description of cat. no. 24 in Galichon, “Description des dessins,” 350: “un essai d’ajustement pour la draperie de l’ange qui dans le tableau relève le voile de droite. Ce dessin, très-cherché, au crayon noir et blanc et à l’estompe, n’a été utilisé par M. Ingres, dans sa peinture, que pour la partie supérieure” (an exploration of the drapery for the angel that lifts the curtain on the right of the painting. Only the upper part of this highly worked drawing in black-and-white crayon with stumping, was used by Monsieur Ingres in the painting).

[12] Galichon does not identify the owner of this drawing. However, in 1866 it was sold by Ingres to Haro; it is listed as Le Pape à Saint Pierre (The Pope in Saint Peter’s) in the contract. Haro, in turn, sold the drawing as part of the second Ingres studio sale of May 1867. See Vente de l’atelier de M. Ingres, 31, lot 88.

[13] In 1995 the drawing was with the Shepherd Gallery in New York. See Patricia Condon, “J.-A.-D. Ingres: Les dessins historiques achevées,” Bulletin du Musée Ingres, no. 67–68 (1995): 13, no. 15.

[14] Although Galichon does not identify the city personified in this work, in “Description des dessins,” 352, he notes that the figure in the drawing “tient ses genoux entre ses mains dans une attitude qui annonce la resignation” (holds her knees in her hands in an attitude suggesting resignation).

[15] Galichon, “Description des dessins,” 352, records the width of the drawing as 34 cm.

[16] Galichon does not identify the owner of this drawing; if it is, in fact, the drawing now in the Musée Ingres Bourdelle, it would have been on loan from the artist in 1861. One should also note, however, that Ingres also sold drawings of the seven cities surrounding the Apotheosis of Napoleon I to Haro in 1866 (described as “Les sept villes où est entré vainqueur Napoléon Ier” [The seven cities conquered by Napoleon I] in the contract) and that these drawings were then included in the second Ingres studio sale in May 1867. See Vente de l’atelier de M. Ingres, 28, lot 78. If this were the drawing exhibited in 1861, it would also have been lent by the artist himself.

[17] See Galichon, “Description des dessins,” 352, where the drawing is described as representing the city of Madrid.

[18] Although Galichon does not identify the owner of this drawing, it was among those works sold by Ingres in 1866 to Haro, who sold it, in turn, in the second Ingres studio sale. See Vente de l’atelier de M. Ingres, 28, lot 77.

[19] Although Galichon does not identify the owner of this drawing, it seems to have been included in Ingres’s first studio sale. See Catalogue des tableaux, dessins, et oeuvres en cours d’éxécution dépendant de la succession de M. Ingres, auction cat. (Paris: Hôtel Drouot, April 27, 1867), n.p., lot 16. However, the drawing is there described as a watercolor executed in Rome in 1850 (an impossibility, as Ingres left Rome for the last time in 1841) with dimensions of 40 x 32 cm. Otherwise the earliest known provenance of the drawing is in the collection of Paul-Edmond Mahou (1822–81), whose wife Marie-Louise (1827–91), was the daughter of Albert Magimel (1799–1877), author of the 1851 illustrated catalogue of the artist’s works.

[20] A related drawing is in the Musée Ingres Bourdelle in Montauban, Inv. 867.2601 [V. 2468].

[21] Galichon, “Description des dessins,” 354, reports that “presque toutes” (almost all) of the studies for the stained-glass cartoons for the chapels in Neuilly and Dreux are “exécutées à la mine de plomb” (executed in graphite). Galichon also states, 355, that all the figures in both series are “environ de 370 mm de hauteur” (approximately 37 cm high). This is my source for the medium and dimensions of all the nonextant drawings in the series.

[22] [Galichon], Catalogue des dessins, 12, claims that all sixty-five studies for the stained-glass cartoons for the chapels at Neuilly and Dreux belong to Gatteaux.

[23] See Galichon, “Description des dessins,” 355: “l’étude faite d’après le nu pour la figure de sainte Clotilde” (study made after the nude for the figure of Saint Clothilde). This drawing was last recorded in the 1867 memorial exhibition. See Catalogue des tableaux, études peintes, dessins et croquis de J.-A.-D. Ingres, peintre d’histoire, sénateur, membre de l’Institut, exh. cat. (Paris: École Impériale des Beaux-Arts, 1867), 47, no. 281.

[24] The suggestion that the figure on this sheet could have been misidentified as Saint Hildegonde in the 1861 exhibition was made by Jacques Foucart, Ingres: Les Cartons de vitraux des collections du Louvre, exh. cat. (Paris: Musée du Louvre / Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 2002), 109.

[25] Galichon, “Description des dessins,” 356, describes the sitter as “représentée assise; une large ceinture serre sa taille, et une fourrure, indiquée avec quelques rehauts blancs, couvre ses épaules” (represented seated, with a large belt tightened around her waist, and a fur, picked out with several white highlights, covering her shoulders). Naef, Bildniszeichnungen, 2:324, identifies this drawing as a portrait of Madame Alexandre Bénard, which Henry Lapauze declared a fake in 1919, despite its convincing provenance. It was lent to the 1861 exhibition by Alexandre Marcel (died 1886), a little-known artist who had studied with Ingres and was heir to the sitter. According to Naef, the drawing, of which no photographic reproduction seems to exist, was last recorded as “attributed to Ingres” at Sotheby’s, London, on April 14, 1954, lot 315.

[26] The drawing was sold for USD 415,707 at Christie’s, Paris, February 23, 2009, lot 80.

[27] Ingres sold this drawing (Charles X in the contract) in 1866 to Haro, who subsequently sold it in the second Ingres studio sale of May 1867. See Vente de l’atelier de M. Ingres, 29, lot 85.

[28] In [Galichon], Catalogue des dessins, 15, the owner of this drawing is misidentified as Monseiur Lefuel, presumably the architect Hector Lefuel (1810–80). However, Galichon, “Description des dessins,” 357, correctly identifies the owner of this drawing as Monsieur Destouches.

[29] According to Galichon, “Description des dessins,” 358, the inscription on the original drawing read: Ingres fecit, en hommage à madame Gatteaux. Nauphle, 3 septembre 1828.

[30] The drawing in the Louvre reproduces only a part of the original drawing; for a reconstruction of the work in its entirety, see Naef, Bildniszeichnungen, 5:181, no. 345.

[31] According to Galichon, “Description des dessins,” 359, the length of the original drawing was 28.5 cm.

[32] According to Galichon, “Descriptions de dessins,” 359, the original drawing was signed, dated, and inscribed at lower right: Ingres Del 1834 / à / Madame Gatteaux.

[33] Naef, Bildniszeichnungen 4:228, was unable to identify Monsieur Lemaistre.

[34] Although Galichon does not identify the owner of this drawing, it was sold by Ingres to Haro in 1866; it is listed as “d’après Holbein” (after Holbein) in the contract. Haro sold the drawing as part of the second Ingres studio sale in May 1867. See Vente de l’atelier de M. Ingres, 29, lot 86.

[35] The original self-portrait of 1835 by Ingres [N. 364] is in the Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. RF9.

[36] Although Galichon does not identify the owner of this drawing, it was sold at auction by Madame Ingres in 1886.

[37] Naef, Bildniszeichnungen, 5:130–33, believes that the autograph replica of this portrait now in the Musée Bonnat-Helleu, Bayonne (Inv. 239) could also have been the sheet exhibited in 1861.

[38] [Galichon], Catalogue des dessins, 16; and Galichon, “Description des dessins,” 360, do not specify which relative of Lethière, who died in 1832, owned the drawing in 1861. Naef, Bildniszeichnungen, 4:130, identifies Charles Lethière as the most likely owner.

[39] This drawing was sold for USD 875,420 by Thierry de Maigret, Dessins anciens et du XIXème siècle, auction cat. (Paris: Thierry de Maigret, March 24, 2010), n.p., lot 1.

[40] The earliest known provenance for this drawing is the collection of the sculptor Jean-Baptiste Claude-Eugène Guillaume (1822–1905), followed by that of the architect Hector Lefuel. Although Galichon does not identify the owner of this drawing, he mistakenly identifies Lefuel as the owner of the portrait of Madame Destouches (cat. 51), which we know was in the collection of the sitter’s son in 1861; perhaps Galichon mistakenly confused the owners of these two drawings.

[41] This drawing was sold for USD 312,607 at Sotheby’s, London, on July 9, 2014, lot 97.

[42] This drawing was offered for sale at Christie’s, London, on July 6, 2021, lot 62 (unsold).

[43] The drawing was sold for FRF 1,800,000 by Piasa Auction House, Paris, on Friday, December 17, 1999, lot 108.

[44] See Galichon, “Description des dessins,” 361–62: “deux études à la mine de plomb pour une Vierge représentée les mains jointes; l’une avant que le maître eût couvert le corps d’une robe et jeté un voile sur la tête, l’autre après” (two studies in graphite of the Virgin represented with her hands joined; one before the master had covered her body with a gown and threw a veil over her head, and the other after).

[45] Galichon does not identify the owner of this drawing; however, among the drawings sold by Ingres to Haro in 1866 were two described as “Étude de Vierges” and “Draperies pour une Vierge,” either of which could refer to this drawing.

[46] This sheet accords well with the description of the drawing exhibited in 1861 in Galichon, “Description des dessins,” 362: “une ravissante tête de jeune fille très-faite, à la mine de plomb, qui rappelle les traits de la Fornarina dans l’oeuvre du maître. (Hauteur, 245 millimètres.)” (an exquisite head of a young woman, carefully executed in graphite, that recalls the features of the Fornarina in the work of the master. [Length, 245 mm.]) In addition to being a study for Ingres’s painting of Raphael and the Fornarina (1814; Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, MA), the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s drawing is also often identified as a portrait of the artist’s first wife, Madeleine, an identity that would not have been publicized in 1861 in deference to Ingres’s then-current wife Delphine (see cat. 65).

[47] Galichon does not mention the signature, but this most likely would have been added at the time the drawing left Ingres’s studio, presumably as part of the Haro sale in 1866 (see note 48, below). On Ingres’s practice of inscribing his studies with a cursory Ing as well as his more general habit of signing his more fully developed drawings “comme un baiser d’adieu,” (like a goodbye kiss) when he parted with them, see Patricia Condon, “J.A.D. Ingres: Les Dessins historiques achévés (deuxième partie),” Bulletin du Musée Ingres, no. 69 (1996): 7.

[48] Galichon does not identify the owner of this drawing. However, the sheet in the Metropolitan Museum of Art bears Haro’s circular collection stamp and could therefore have been among the works that Ingres sold to the dealer in 1866—the contract includes a work described as “Étude, modèle de femme” (Study, woman model). Unlike so many of the other drawings purchased by Haro in 1866, this sheet was not sold in the second Ingres studio sale of May 1867 but remained in the dealer’s collection until it was sold at the Galerie Sedelmeyer in Paris in 1892.

[49] See Galichon, “Déscription des dessins,” 351: “La deuxième, également à la mine de plomb, montre une jeune femme enlaçant dans ses bras un jeune homme, appuyé sur sa poitrine, et qui la regarde amoureusement. Dans le haut de cette page on voit encore la légère esquisse d’une femme assise. (Hauteur de la femme 290 mm.)” (The second [drawing], also in graphite, shows a young woman wrapping her arms around a young man who is leaning on her chest and who gazes amorously at her. At the top of the page one sees the light sketch of a seated woman. [Height of the woman 290 mm].)

[50] Galichon does not identify the owner of this drawing; however, we might note that among the drawings Ingres sold to Haro in 1866 were two described as “Groupe de l’Age d’or” (Group from the Golden Age) and “Figures de l’Age d’or” (Figures from the Golden Age), either of which could refer to this drawing. In any event, the drawing exhibited in 1861 must have been closely related to studies for LÂge d’or in the Musée Ingres Bourdelle that Georges Vigne has felicitously designated the Famille au lapin (Family with Rabbit): Inv. 867.645 and 867.646. See Vigne, “Dessins d’Ingres,” nos. 1788, 1789.

[51] Although Galichon does not identify the owner of this drawing, this is most likely an oversight, as the Louvre identifies Gatteaux as its earliest owner.

[52] This drawing accords well with the description of cat. 84 in Galichon, “Déscription des dessins,” 362: “une académie de jeune homme, la main droite élevée et regardant en l’air. . . . (hauteur 230 millimeters)” (an academic study of a young man, with his right hand raised and looking skyward. . . . [length 230 mm]).

[53] Galichon does not mention the inscription.

[54] The drawing was sold for USD 13,293 at Christie’s, London, on July 4, 2006, lot 126.

[55] See Galichon, “Déscription des dessins,” 362: “la tête d’une jeune femme dessinée, avec rehauts de blanc, sur la couverture d’un livre (hauteur 310 millimètres)” (the head of a young woman drawn with white highlights on the cover of a book (length 310 mm). Galichon does not identify the owner of this study.

[56] Although Galichon does not identify the owner of this drawing and the three others listed under cat. no. 89, all four were sold by Ingres to Haro in 1866 (“Études de mains” [Studies of hands] in the contract). Haro subsequently sold the drawings in the second Ingres studio sale. See Vente de l’atelier de M. Ingres, 29, lot 84. Galichon, “Description des dessins,” 556, does not mention any of the inscriptions on the hand studies, all of which were presumably added by Ingres on the occasion of the Haro sale.

[57] This drawing fits the description of cat. 90 in Galichon, “Description des dessins,” 355: “Elle est debout, en toilette décolletée, avec un bijou pendu à son cou; elle s’appuie sur le dossier d’un fauteuil confortablement capitonné. Hauteur, 250 millimètres. Ce dessin, sur papier-calque quadrillée pour la mise au carreau, avec quelques retouches à la sanguine, est l’étude du tableau qui a été exposé au Salon de 1855.” (She is standing in a low-cut gown with a jewel hanging from her neck. She leans on the back of a luxuriously upholstered armchair. Length, 250 mm. This drawing on tracing paper, squared for transfer and with some retouching in red chalk, is the study for the painting that was exhibited at the 1855 Salon.)

[58] Galichon does not identify the owner of this drawing. His silence, combined with the fact that this is a sketchily executed preparatory study, suggests that the sheet was still in the artist’s possession in 1861.

[59] The drawing was sold at the Hôtel Drouot, Paris, on June 24, 1985, lot 3.

[60] Galichon, “Déscription des dessins,” 345–46, correctly identifies this drawing as containing studies for the peasant standing in the left foreground of the Martyrdom of Saint Symphorian: “Elle montre le chemin parcouru par M. Ingres pour arriver à exprimer la noble figure du paysan qui, dans le tableau, se tient près de l’enfant dont nous venons de parler [cat. 4]. Sur cette feuille, le personnage trahit l’état de son âme, c’est-à-dire le commencement de sa conversion, par la position de sa main ent’ouverte ou placée sous le menton dans un attitude pensive, tandis que dans le tableau le maître a posé cette main sur la poitrine. M. Ingres ne s’est pas servi non plus, pour sa peinture, des belles études de draperies qui couvrent encore cette page.” (It shows the route taken by Monsieur Ingres in order to arrive at the expression of the noble figure of the peasant who, in the painting, stands near the child of whom we have just spoken [cat. 4]. On this sheet, the personage reveals the state of his soul, that is to say, the beginning of his conversion, by the position of his half-opened hand or its placement on his chin in a pensive attitude, whereas in the painting the master posed his hand on his chest. Monsieur Ingres also did not make use in the painting of the beautiful drapery studies that also cover this sheet.

[61] [Galichon], Catalogue des dessins, 19, identifies the medium as black chalk. Galichon, “Descriptions de dessins,” 345, reports the height of the figure as 25.5 cm.

[62] While Jules Momméja, who drew up an early inventory of the drawings Ingres bequeathed to the city of Montauban, took this inscription as evidence that this drawing must be by one of the artist’s pupils, Georges Vigne accepts it as an autograph drawing by Ingres himself. See Vigne, Dessins d’Ingres, 113, no. 565.

[63] While Galichon identifies Flandrin as the owner of this drawing, no sheet fitting his description of cat. 91 is known among either the works that Flandrin bequeathed to the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Lyon or those that remain in the collection of his descendants. My most profound thanks go to Céline Bacon, curator of graphic art at the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, and to Stéphane Paccoud and Elena Marchetti, curators of the monumental 2021 exhibition devoted to the Flandrin brothers, for confirming this information for me. If the sheet in Montauban was, in fact, the work exhibited in 1861, Galichon could either have been mistaken about its ownership, or the sheet could have been returned to Ingres at some point after 1861, perhaps by Madame Flandrin upon the premature death of her husband in 1864.

[64] Although this drawing is not included in [Galichon], Catalogue des dessins, it is described in Galichon, “Déscription des dessins,” 357: “Madame Ducloz-Marcotte est représentée assise. Elle tient un livre dans ses mains, et un bonnet tuyauté encardre son visage sur lequel les années ont empreint le caractère d’une vieillesse aimable et indulgente.” (Madame Ducloz-Marcotte is shown seated. She holds a book in her hands and a fluted bonnet frames her face, on which the years have imprinted the characteristics of a happy and relaxed old age.)

[65] This drawing was sold for USD 53,872 by Thierry de Maigret, Dessins anciens et du XIXème siècle (Paris: Thierry de Maigret, March 24, 2010), lot 4.

[66] This is almost certainly the painter and collector of Renaissance art, Louis-Charles Timbal (1821–80).

[67] Perhaps relying on the evidence of the inscription, Galichon, “Dessins de M. Ingres,” 40, does not further specify the owner of this drawing.

[68] This is almost certainly the drawing listed as Stratonice, étude (Stratonice, Study) in the contract brokering Ingres’s sale of a cache of works to Haro in 1866. The dealer then sold the sheet in the second Ingres studio sale of May 1867. See Vente de l’atelier de M. Ingres, 27, lot 66.

[69] Galichon, “Dessins de M. Ingres,” 41: “une feuille couverte d’études pour les mains et le torse d’Octavie. Les jambes d’Auguste sont également indiquées sur ce papier, mais leur position diffère essentiellement de celle adoptée plus tard par le peintre.” (a sheet covered with studies for the hands and torso of Octavia. The legs of Augustus are also represented on this paper, but their position differs fundamentally from that adopted later by the painter.)

[70] Galichon, “Dessins de M. Ingres,” 41–42 reports the drawing as signed and dated J. Ingres, 1857. He asserts that the inscription alludes to the date when Ingres retouched the drawing “légèrement” (lightly), claiming that it originally served as a preparatory study for the famous painting of the subject now in the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Angers (which Galichon misidentifies as the museum in Nantes). It should be noted that another drawing of this subject exists that is inscribed J. Ingres 1857, and its dimensions accord closely with those reported by Galichon (23 x 17 cm). See Patricia Condon, Marjorie B. Cohn, and Agnes Mongan, In Pursuit of Perfection: The Art of J.-A.-D. Ingres, exh. cat. (Louisville, KY: J. B. Speed Art Museum; Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1983), 172, no. 21. However, this drawing is not squared for transfer and it is executed in graphite and grey wash heighted with white gouache—a complex technique that Galichon is unlikely to have let go unremarked (he does not specify the medium of ser. 2.12). Thus, the Bayonne drawing appears to be the likelier candidate to have been exhibited in 1861. Perhaps Galichon saw both drawings in Ingres’s studio and became confused over which sheet bore the inscription.

[71] Galichon does not identify the owner of this drawing, and its earliest known provenance is the collection of the painter Léon Bonnat (1833–1922). However, Galichon’s claim that Ingres reworked the sheet in 1857 suggests that it still could have been in his studio in 1861.

[72] Galichon, “Desssins de M. Ingres,” 42, neglects to specify the medium of the drawing, but he does stipulate that the studies were drawn on two pieces of lilac-colored paper.

[73] Galichon, “Dessins de M. Ingres,” 42, notes additionally that the sketches are “tracés sur une feuille rose, qui ne contient pas moins de huit têtes d’anges plus ravissantes les unes que les autres, et quelques études de bras et de jambes.” (traced on a sheet of pink paper, which also contains no fewer than eight heads of angels, one more ravishing than the next, as well as several studies for arms and legs)

[74] Galichon does not stipulate a medium for this drawing.

[75] Although Galichon, “Dessins de M. Ingres,” 42, does not identify the owner of the drawing, it was sold at auction by the artist’s widow Delphine in 1886, strongly suggesting that it must have been lent to the 1861 exhibition by the artist himself.

[76] Galichon, “Dessins de M. Ingres,” 43, gives neither medium nor dimensions for the studies for the stained-glass cartoons included in the second part of the exhibition; my information is inferred from the generalization he makes about the other studies for the stained-glass cartoons included in the first installation of the exhibition.

[77] Galichon, “Dessins de M. Ingres,” 43: “une étude faite d’après le nu. Le saint porte un livre dans sa main droite, et s’appuie de sa main gauche sur un bâton.” (a study made after the nude. The saint carries a book in his right hand and supports himself with his left hand on a baton.) There is a nude study for this figure in the form of an outline drawing in the Musée Ingres Bourdelle (Inv. 867.2489; V. 1696).

[78] Although Galichon does not identify the owner of this drawing, it was sold by Ingres to Haro in 1866—it is almost certainly the work misidentified as Vue de l’Église de Saint-Praxelles [sic], Bruxelles [sic] (View of the Church of Saint Praxelles [sic], Brussels [sic]) in the contract. Haro, in turn, sold the drawing in the second Ingres studio sale in May 1867. See Vente de l’atelier de M. Ingres, 31, lot 89 (correctly identified as Vue intérieur de l’Église de Sainte-Praxède à Rome [Interior View of the Church of Saint Praxedes in Rome]).

[79] Naef, Bildniszeichnungen, 1:571–86, identifies these works as the portrait drawings of Miss Elizabeth Anne Rawdon and (presumably) Mrs. John Theophilus Rawdon, both of which were destroyed in the fire that engulfed Gatteaux’s house during the suppression of the Commune in May 1871. Naef hypothesizes that Ingres derived both bust-length portraits, which he kept for himself, from the larger and more elaborate portraits that had been commissioned from him by the sitters.

[80] According to Galichon, “Dessins de M. Ingres,” 44, the original drawing was executed in graphite on paper, with the figure measuring 12.3 cm in length.

[81] Although Galichon, “Dessins de M. Ingres,” 44, does not identify the owner of this work, it remained in the collection of Madame d’Agoult until her death in 1876.

[82] My thanks to Elena Marchetti for calling my attention to the recent reappearance of this drawing.

[83] According to Naef, Bildniszeichnungen, 5:102, the drawing passed from the sitter to his widow in 1853 and remained in her collection until she died in 1882, when it passed to her daughter, Madame Alfred Wittersheim, née Emélie-Louis-Eudoxie Blondel. However, if Galichon is to be believed, the transfer of the portrait from mother to daughter—and by extension to Blondel’s son-in-law—must have occurred much earlier.

[84] Although Galichon does not identify the owner of this drawing, according to Naef, Bildniszeichnungen, 4:40, upon the death of the sitter, the drawing passed to his unmarried daughter, with whom it remained until her death in 1903.

[85] This drawing was sold for EUR 68,750 at Christie’s, Paris, on March 20, 2018, lot 102.

[86] The drawing was offered for sale at Sotheby’s, Paris on June 25, 2008, lot 13 (unsold).

[87] This drawing was sold, together with its pendant (ser. 2.38), for USD 432,003 at Christie’s, London, on July 7, 2009, lot 56.

[88] See note 87, above.

[89] This drawing was sold for USD 510,179 at Christie’s, London, on July 7, 2009, lot 54.

[90] Galichon, “Dessins de M. Ingres,” 47, does not identify the owner of this drawing. However, according to Naef, Bildniszeichnungen, 5:288, the drawing remained in the collection of the sitter’s husband, Victor Mottez, until his death in 1897.

[91] Galichon, “Dessins de M. Ingres,” 47, does not identify the owner of this drawing. However, according to Naef, Bildniszeichnungen, 5:360, the work remained in the collection of the sitter until his death in 1892.

[92] Although Galichon, “Dessins de M. Ingres,” 47, does not identify the owner of this drawing, according to Naef, Bildniszeichnungen, 4:458, the portrait presumably remained in the collection of its sitter until his death in 1881.

[93] Galichon, “Dessin de M. Ingres,” 48: “une étude d’homme faite à la mine de plomb; divers croquis de bras et de jambes couvrent encore cette feuille; une main qui tient la foudre semble indiquer un Jupiter. L’attitude du personnage rappelle beaucoup aussi celle du tableau de Napoléon en costume impérial.” (a study of a man executed in graphite; various sketches of arms and legs also cover this sheet; a hand holding a lightning bolt would seem to indicate a Jupiter. The attitude of the personage is very reminiscent of that in the painting of Napoleon in his Imperial Costume [see cat. 70].) Galichon does not identify the owner of this drawing.

[94] Louis-Antoine Prat, Ingres (Paris: Musée du Louvre, 2004), 12, correctly identifies the adult figure as a woman and the drawing as a study for the Martyre de Saint Symphorien (Martyrdom of Saint Symphorian).

[95] Galichon, “Dessins de M. Ingres,” 48, notes the fact that the drawing is squared for transfer would indicate its status as a prepatory study for one of Ingres’s paintings, but, surprisingly, he is unable to identify which one.