Káma-Kapúska! Making Marks in Indian Country, 1833–34

Numak'aki Persons and Themes

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In this project, I argue that over the winter of 1833–34 Fort Clark and its various spaces constituted a Middle Ground     space, whose practices and shared cultures were actively co-created     by non-Native fur company personnel and the Native residents of the five villages of the Awatíkihu. The basis for this argument is the exchange processes that one sees repeatedly in Prince Maximilian zu Wied-Neuwied’s journals (View Part 2.). This portion of the project reorganizes these journal entries around Numak'aki themes and historical persons.

The visualization above is interactive. To read about a particular concept or person, simply click on its red circle, then click on the blue “View” button that appears. You can also visit the journal and media pages linked to each concept or historical person by clicking an orange (journal) or green (media) pop-out circle, then clicking the blue “View” button that appears.

Alternatively, you can choose an entry via the alphabetized hyperlinks below, or by clicking on the blue navigation button at the bottom of the page. The adjacent backward arrows («) key will take you to the previous page in the path, while the greyed section title above each entry’s title will return you to this landing page.

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