Káma-Kapúska! Making Marks in Indian Country, 1833–34

Awatíkihu note 4

The long histories of the Awatíkihu are reconstructed from Alfred W. Bowers, “A History of the Mandan and Hidatsa” (PhD diss., University of Chicago, 1948); Elizabeth A. Fenn, Encounters at the Heart of the World: A History of the Mandan People (New York: Hill and Wang, 2014); Mitchell, Crafting History; and Tracy Potter, Sheheke, Mandan Indian Diplomat: The Story of White Coyote, Thomas Jefferson, and Lewis and Clark (Helena, MT: Farcountry Press, 2003), chapter 1; along with information from Maximilian zu Wied-Neuwied, The North American Journals of Prince Maximilian of Wied, vol. 3, ed. Stephen S. Witte and Marsha V. Gallagher (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press with the Joslyn Art Museum, 2008–12; hereafter cited as: Date (JAM volume, page); and recorded elder interviews, Wilson-MHS.

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