A full-page advertisement for the Modern Gallery in The Years Art 1905, advised readers that: “Mr. Edward Freeman has the pleasure to announce that he has acquired the Lease of these Ground Floor Top-lighted Galleries. Artists are invited to view the several Galleries, which are available for “Special” and “One-Man” Exhibitions, and “At-Homes,” Soirees, Lectures, etc.”
Address: 175 New Bond St
Start Date: by 1897
End Date: 1904
Other Locations:
61 New Bond St (1905-at least 1916)
Dealer: Edward Freeman, Sec.
Exhibition catalogues: National Art Library, London (1898-1916)
Fletcher, Pamela and Anne Helmreich. “Selected galleries, dealers and exhibition spaces in London, 1850-1939.” In The Rise of the Modern Art Market in London, 1850-1939. Eds. Pamela Fletcher and
Unless otherwise noted, the documentation of a gallery’s start and end dates at a location is drawn from listings in The Year’s Art.