After the death of his father Samson Wertheimer, Asher Wertheimer took over his Bond-street premises. (Times, 22 March 1892, 10). He operated his business from this address until his death in 1918.
Address: 158 New Bond St
Start Date: by 1903 [1892]*
End Date: at least 1914 [1918]*
Dealer: Asher Wertheimer
Fletcher, Pamela and Anne Helmreich. “Selected galleries, dealers and exhibition spaces in London, 1850-1939.” In The Rise of the Modern Art Market in London, 1850-1939. Eds. Pamela Fletcher and Anne Helmreich. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2011. 311.
*The dates that appear in the heading are those identified as securely documented “start” and “end” dates when the map animation was created. Additional research has extended the time span that the gallery can be documented at this address.