Victorian London: Mapping the Emergence of the Modern Art Gallery: Pamela M. Fletcher

Data » Gallery List

Carfax Gallery

The Carfax Gallery was founded in 1899 by William Rothenstein and John Fothergill. Robert Ross took over the management of the gallery in 1901, with the help of More Adey and Arthur Clifton. Ross left the gallery in 1908, and Clifton assumed control. The gallery exhibited both Old Masters and contemporary art, but is best known for exhibiting work by the members of the New English Art Club and, later, the Camden Town Group.

Address: 24 Bury St

Start Date: March 1905

End Date: at least 1920

Other Locations:
17 Ryder St (by 1902-1905)


William Rothenstein (1872-1945)

John Fothergill (1876-1957)

Robert Ross (1869-1918)

[William] More Adey (1858-1942)

Arthur Clifton (1863-1932)

Selected exhibitions

Paintings and drawings by William Orpen (1901) [NAL]

One hundred caricatures by Max Beerbohm (1901) [NAL]

Recent pastels by W. Rothenstein (1902) [NAL]

Water-colours and oil paintings by Roger Fry (1903) [NAL]

Loan exhibition of sketches and studies by J.S. Sargent, R.A. (1903) [NAL]

Works by William Blake (1904) [NAL]

Drawings in watercolour by D. S. MacColl (1906) [NAL]

Drawings by Augustus E. John (1907) [NAL]

Paintings and drawings by Albert Rothenstein (1910) [NAL]

Decorations and paintings by the late Charles Conder (1910) [NAL]

The first exhibition of the Camden Town Group (1911) [NAL]
(Full text:

Drawings by Paul Nash [1912?] [NAL]

Paintings and drawings by Robert Bevan (1913) [NAL]

Paintings by Lucien Pissarro (1913) [NAL]

Drawings of Japanese life by Katie Blackmore (1913) [NAL]

For more exhibitions, see: “Exhibitions associated with: Carfax Gallery”
Exhibition Culture in London 1878-1908, University of Glasgow


Fletcher, Pamela and Anne Helmreich. “Selected galleries, dealers and exhibition spaces in London, 1850-1939.” In The Rise of the Modern Art Market in London, 1850-1939. Eds. Pamela Fletcher and Anne Helmreich. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2011. 297.

Pezzini, Barbara. “More Adey, the Carfax Gallery and the Burlington Magazine.” Burlington Magazine (December 2011): 806-814.

Shaw, Samuel. “The Carfax Gallery and the Camden Town Group.” In The Camden Town Group in Context. Eds., Helena Bonett, Ysanne Holt, Jennifer Mundy. May 2012. [] Accessed 18 July 2012.

Unless otherwise noted, the documentation of a gallery’s start and end dates at a location is drawn from listings in The Year’s Art.

How to cite:
Pamela Fletcher and David Israel, London Gallery Project, 2007; Revised September 2012.

Bowdoin College