Victorian London: Mapping the Emergence of the Modern Art Gallery: Pamela M. Fletcher

Data » Gallery List

Burlington Gallery

As noted in Fletcher and Helmreich, several galleries did business under the name the “Burlington Gallery” in London in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This data point refers to the Burlington Gallery listed in The Year’s Art at this address from 1883 to 1902.

Address: 27 Old Bond St

Start Date: by 1883

End Date: at least 1902

Selected exhibitions

Raworth’s New Zealand Water-Colour Paintings (1883) [Times, 3 December 1883, 1]

Water-Coulour Drawings, Yellowstone-park, Yosemite Valley, Rocky Mountains and Canadian Views, Buffalo, Wapite, and Indian Sports, by F. A. Verner and the President and Artists of the Royal Canadian Academy (1884) [Times, 1 May 1884, 2]

Colonial Fine Art Exhibition: Catalogues of Australian and New Zealand, Canadian and American Oil Paintings (1888?) [NAL]

The Wild West and Antipodes. The 11th Winter Exhibition (1889-90) of High Class Pictures and Drawings (1889-90) [NAL]

The Ballet and Fancy Subjects by Charles P. Sainton (November 1892) [NAL]

Watercolour Drawings of Rome by the late Henry P. Riviere RWS (February 1896) [NAL]

Exhibition catalogues: National Art Library, London (1888-1896)


Fletcher, Pamela and Anne Helmreich. “Selected galleries, dealers and exhibition spaces in London, 1850-1939.” In The Rise of the Modern Art Market in London, 1850-1939. Eds. Pamela Fletcher and Anne Helmreich. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2011. 297.

How to cite:
Pamela Fletcher and David Israel, London Gallery Project, 2007; Revised September 2012.

Bowdoin College